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       These examples are not usable in their presented form.  They
       are provided as a starting point for your own batch files:

       Using RemoteAccess stand-alone (ie. without a mailer)

          Cd \RA

          REM Run the main program:
          RA -E20

          REM User logged off, cycle back:
          if errorlevel 20 goto START

          REM RemoteAccess exits to the batchfile with errorlevel 7
          REM once a night:

          if errorlevel  7 goto CLEAN

          if errorlevel  3 goto START

          REM An errorlevel of 1 or 2 means a fatal error, an
          REM errorlevel of 0 means that ESCape was pressed while
          REM in "wait for call" mode - so we quit:
          goto END

          REM Do nightly message and user maintenance with RAUSER
          and RAMSG
          goto START

          echo RemoteAccess HQ Line 1 Down.

       NOTE  :  Unlike some other BBS packages,  RemoteAccess  will
       ALWAYS exit back to DOS (or your batch file) after a  caller
       logs  off.  This means that you can only run in  stand-alone
       mode with a batch file that will recycle back to restart the
       main program.

       Using RemoteAccess with a mailer (FrontDoor or BinkleyTerm)
       (using either TosScan or Echogen to process mail)

          cd \RA

          REM Run the main program and run the mailer in a "shell".
          REM The *M tells RemoteAccess to swap out of memory
          REM before running the mailer.

          REM Either FrontDoor : RA -m\FD\FD.EXE*M -E20
          REM   or BinkleyTerm : RA -m\BT\BT.EXE*M -E20

          REM Any errorlevels that RemoteAccess does not understand
          REM it passes back to the batchfile:

          if errorlevel 150 goto CLEAN
          if errorlevel  99 goto UNPACK
          if errorlevel  20 goto START
          if errorlevel  10 goto END
          if errorlevel   5 goto NET&ECHO
          if errorlevel   4 goto ECHO
          if errorlevel   3 goto NET
          goto END

          REM Do your nightly maintenance here. In this example
          REM the mailer is set to exit at errorlevel 150 nightly.

          REM Toss incoming mail
          REM Either : TOSSCAN toss
          REM     or : ECHOGEN -A -P -T -U
          goto START

          REM Net and EchoMail needs to be exported from the
          REM message base.
          REM Either : TSUTIL export
          REM     or : MAILSCAN

          REM Export EchoMail.
          REM Either : TOSSCAN scan
          REM     or : ECHOGEN -A -E -P
          goto START

          REM Only export NetMail
          REM Either : TSUTIL export
          REM     or : MAILSCAN
          goto START

          REM Some fatal error occurred.
          echo RemoteAccess HQ Line 2 Down.

       * The Echogen command-line switches shown assume a FrontDoor

          Note that the particular command-line switches for any of
       these      utilities  (BinkleyTerm,  FrontDoor,  TosScan  or
       Echogen)  will vary according to your set up.  All of  these
       programs are supplied with documentation which will  provide
       you  with this information.  It is stressed again that these
       examples are only intended to give you a starting point  for
       creating your own batch files.                                                    .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson